Goldenrod Casino
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Goldenrod Chinese
If you try to exit to the forest, you'll be stopped by your rival, who has a lv12 Gastly, lv14 Zubat and a lv16 evolved starter. Not an extremely difficult battle, but once again, if you're having serious problems, you really should spend sometime levelling up.
Ilex Forest Wild Pokemon | |||
Pokemon | Method | Time | Rate |
Caterpie | Walk | 50% | |
Caterpie | Walk | 60% | |
Metapod | Walk | 30% | |
Weedle | Walk | 50% | |
Weedle | Walk | 60% | |
Kakuna | Walk | 30% | |
Zubat | Walk | 5% | |
Zubat | Walk | 25% | |
Oddish | Walk | 60% | |
Paras | Walk | 15% | |
Paras | Walk | 5% |
In the forest, you'll come across a boy whose Farfetch'd has gone missing. It's your job to look for it, and chase it back to the boy's location. When you see it, talk to it once so that it flies away. Instead of talking to it again, head around to the other side by going right and up (There's a Revive here). Just talk to it a few times in the right direction and you'll get it done. As a reward, you'll get HM01 - Cut, which you can use to cut down small bushes. If you follow the boy back to his house (It's next to the gym), he'll give you a Charcoal, which powers up Fire type moves by 10%. With the new HM, teach it to a suitable Pokemon and slice through the small bush to the next part of Ilex Forest.

There's lots of hidden items around, so just check with the A button at suspicious spots. There's also a boy here who will give you TM02 - Headbutt. This move allows you to shake small trees and this may cause certain Pokemon to drop out and attack. The path out is quite easy, and you'll be out in no time.
Route 34 Wild Pokemon | |||
Pokemon | Method | Time | Rate |
Rattata | Walk | 35% | |
Abra | Walk | 10% | |
Drowzee | Walk | 50% | |
Ditto | Walk | 5% |
Inside the gatehouse, the lady with the Butterfree to the right will give you TM12 - Sweet Scent, which, when used in the playing field, will attract wild Pokemon. One of the greatest features of Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal lies just up ahead - the Breeding Center.
At the Breeding Center, you can deposit two Pokemon and the old couple there will raise it for you - for a price, of course. But if the two Pokemon are compatible, they'll produce a PokeEgg that will eventually hatch into another Pokemon! Moreover, these Pokemon will inherit certain new moves that they might not have learned by themselves, and they'll also be stronger. For more information, check out the Breeding Guide
The largest city in Johto, Goldenrod is certainly the busiest place around. You'll notice the giant MegaMart next to the Pokemon Center as you enter the city; there's also the Casino, Radio Tower, Undeground Passage, and of course the Gym.
Goldenrod Casino Poker
Stock up on items at the MegaMart - there are vitamins, battle enhancers, trainer essentials and TMs available. On Sundays at the 5th Floor, a lady will rate your Pokemon's Happiness and will give you TM27 - Frustration or TM21 - Return accordingly. A boy here will also trade your Drowzee for his Machop, and a girl will activate Mystery Gifting for you too. You'll also notice the basement if you take the lift, but you'll come back here later.
Goldenrod California
At the casino, there's some good Pokemon you can earn, but the real prize is the TMs: TM14 - Blizzard, TM15 - Hyper Beam, TM25 - Thunder and TM38 - Fire Blast. The Coin Case, used for holding coins, can be found in the Underground Passage near the Haircutter's Stall. Further west of the casino is Bill's House, and you can get his phone number from his little sister.
Goldenrod Casino Las Vegas
One entrance to the Underground can be found just near Bill's House, the other is at the north end of town. While there are some trainers here, the main feature are two shops - firstly, the Haircutter Brothers will groom your Pokemon and increases its happiness; secondly the Herb Shop sells some cheap but bitter-tasting medicine. Don't forget to pick up the Coin Case while you're here.
The Radio Station is the large black tower by the sea. Talk to the lady at the right side of the counter, and she'll ask you five questions. Answer with the following: Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No, and you'll receive a Radio Card for your PokeGear. The man in the middle runs a lottery based on the ID Number of your Pokemon. The current 'Lucky Number' is found by tuning into 8.5 on the radio.
Next to the Radio Tower is the train station, but since there aren't any trains running yet, there's nothing you can do here. But if you head over to the other side of town, behind the MegaMart, a lady will tell you the Happiness level of your Pokemon. This is quite useful if you're evolving Happiness-based Pokemon like Chansey. If you head down from there, talk to the Bike Shop owner to receive a free Bike. Don't forget you can assign the Select button to a Key Item, so you don't have to keep going to the menu to use it.
At the north end of town is the Name Rater, who will change the names of the Pokemon you've caught or hatched. Traded Pokemon can't have their nicknames changed. The other entrance to the Underground is here, but most importantly, the Goldenrod City Gym is just across the road.
This battle is going to be quite challenging, so I hope your Pokemon are at least level 20. If you're observant, you'll notice the Goldenrod Gym is laid out in the shape of a Pokemon.. do you know what it is?
Whitney, the gym leader, specialises in Normal Pokemon. If you traded for the Machop at the MegaMart, the battle shouldn't be too difficult, but have some backup ready.
Goldenrod City Gym: Whitney Speciality: Normal | Pokemon | Information | Moves |
Clefairy | Level: 18 Type: Normal | Doubleslap Mimic Encore Metronome | |
Miltank | Level: 20 Type: Normal | Rollout Attract Stomp Milk Drink | |
Any fighting types should be quite strong against Clefairy and Miltank, and if you have a Gastly or Haunter with a non-Ghost attacking move, this battle is quite easy. If you don't.. well, launch an all out offensive with everything you have. Miltank has high HP, high Defense, good Speed, and it knows Milk Drink too, so it'll be quite tough to take down. The best methods are using status ailments like Poison and biding your time, or putting it to sleep and attack. Alternatively, any Pokemon with Counter should do the trick. If you're having trouble and don't have any Fighting types, try getting a Nidoran north of Goldenrod and use its Double Kick attack to deal some good damage. Oh yes, watch out for Attract! |
Whitney will have a crying fit after you beat her, just talk to the Lass nearby, then to Whitney again, and you'll receive the Plain Badge. It allows you to use HM04 - Strength outside of battle, and it boosts your Pokemon's speed. You'll also receive TM45 - Attract, which makes attacks from Pokemon of the opposite gender fail 50% of the time. Deadly.
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